
Dear Diary

"They say it's the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time." - Tallulah Bankhead

I’ve had a website and online presence off and on since Ye Greate Olden Year of 1995, when it was home.html (chmod 755) in my personal directory on the Lewis & Clark College website. Some sites I’ve kept up for lonnng periods of time: sneakypanda & librarisaurus, and others were shorter and more transient. I’ve resuscitated the domain because it’s fun and because it’s fitting now that we live in Oregon.  

I’ve been a Librarian in public libraries since 2005, working in Seattle, Southern California and the Bay Area. I believe libraries are the last bastion of democracy and a safe space for everyone. 

My husband is an amazing artist and architect who designs the most liveable and loveable spaces I can imagine. Find his work at Sky Lanigan Studios.

We’re parents to a maddening and wonderful kid, two cats, and a brand new Old English Sheepdog puppy who is going to be massive very, very soon.

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Dear Diary

“They say it’s the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time.” – Tallulah Bankhead

A small pug dog wrapped up in a blanket with only the face showing - eyes are wistful

Once a Librarian…

I’d kind of come to a point where I didn’t feel like I had depth in anything.